R. v. A.M. | 2024 | Toronto

Client came to me with three interconnected cases.  The police had been investigating his Instagram account and executed a search warrant on a residence he had ties to looking to seize his devices (phone, computer, tablets, etc.).  In addition to locating electronics, they also found a gun inside a satchel, inside a closet, in the bedroom the client had been sleeping in.  After beating both cases related to his Instagram account (one the crown withdrew and the other we won at trial), we successfully defended the gun charges when the Crown failed to establish he had knowledge of the firearm.  After three long years on restrictive bail conditions, he finally cut off the ankle monitor and remains without a criminal record.

All, Firearms Jordana Goldlist All, Firearms Jordana Goldlist


Dangerous Weapons, Possession of Firearms, Mischief, and Failure to Comply x 4.

R. v. R.F. | 2015 | HAMILTON

Client charged with allegedly firing a gun into a crowd of people during a New Year’s Eve brawl on a residential street. Client acquitted of all charges after a 2-day trial.

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All, Firearms Jordana Goldlist All, Firearms Jordana Goldlist


Possession of a Loaded and Prohibited Firearm.

R. v. J.H. (YOUTH) | 2014 | OSHAWA

Client charged as a young offender for Possessing a Firearm found in a garage when police executed a search warrant at his home. He was acquitted on the second day of the trial.

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All, Firearms, Drugs Jordana Goldlist All, Firearms, Drugs Jordana Goldlist

Firearms, Marijuana, Hash

Possessing Unlawfully Restricted and Prohibited Firearms (multiple counts), Possession for the Purpose of Trafficking Marijuana and Hash, and for Proceeds of Crime.

R. v. L.C. | 2014 | TORONTO

After successful challenge to the search warrant and all charges withdrawn, appeared in the Superior Court and secured the return of 19 firearms and over $250,000 in cash seized by the police.

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All, Assault, Firearms Jordana Goldlist All, Assault, Firearms Jordana Goldlist

Human Trafficking, Firearms

Human Trafficking x 3, Living off the Avails of Prostitution x 3, Procuring a Prostitute x 3, Forcible Confinement, Unlawful Possession of a Firearm and Various Weapons Charges.

R. v. D.B. | 2014 | OSHAWA

Human Trafficking x 3, Living off the Avails of Prostitution x 3, Procuring a Prostitute x 3, Forcible Confinement, Unlawful Possession of a Firearm and Various Weapons Charges.

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All, Firearms Jordana Goldlist All, Firearms Jordana Goldlist


Possession of a Loaded and Restricted Firearm.

R. v. D.C. | 2013 | TORONTO

Client acquitted of all charges by a jury, following a 2-week trial in the Toronto Superior Court.

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All, Firearms Jordana Goldlist All, Firearms Jordana Goldlist


Possession of a Loaded and Prohibited Firearm.

R. v. R.A. | 2011 | TORONTO

Client acquitted of all charges after an 8-day trial without a jury, in the Superior Court.

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All, Firearms Stan Nikipierowicz All, Firearms Stan Nikipierowicz


Possession of a Loaded and Prohibited Firearm, and Ammunition.

R. v. M.S. | 2010 | BRAMPTON

Client discharged at the end of a 3-day preliminary hearing.

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